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Relationships and Quarantine

There are a lot of things that have changed because of the effects that COVID-19 has had on the entire world, and in the grand scheme of things, not being able to go to the mall or walk into a restaurant isn’t that big of a deal when so many people are dying. On the other hand, we as humans are social creatures. We crave the company of other people and want to interact with them both socially and physically.

Within my immediate family, we’ve been lucky for the most part. My mom, little sister and I have each other. We aren’t isolated from each other. I’m not stuck in Toronto with my grandpa (not that it would be a bad thing) or trapped in a place where I don’t have my mom. We’re on a farm so we have a big yard to enjoy when we’re sick of each other’s company and need some time alone. We have horses so my little sister, Megan has something to focus on when she’s stressed. We’re lucky.

But on the other hand, we’re not so lucky. My dad is currently stuck in Bermuda – a country that is currently on complete lockdown with no flights coming in or out of the country. My dad is there all alone. My mom was supposed to be flying back and forth between the two countries to keep my dad company and an eye on Megan and I while I’m in college and Megan is finishing her last year of high school. The coronavirus has put a complete halt on that and our family can’t be together for who knows how long.

Although the borders of Bermuda aren’t open, the restrictions within the country are lifting slowly. My dad can finally go back to his sailboat, the project he’s been working on for months with the intentions of moving onto the boat this summer. He’s also given himself a new pet: a wild mouse he’s affectionately named Slick after trapping him in a glue trap in April when he was causing trouble in the house he is renting. My mom, sister and I also talk to him every day to keep him company while he works from home.

Back here in Canada, I’ve been put back to work at school as the summer institute (a six-week semester) has just begun on Monday. It’s not the only thing keeping me busy. My mom and Megan did most of the work, but we put up a new fence to divide our big field in half to let more grass grow for the horse to eat. Megan and my mom made sure that we got enough wood to not only build a new fence but to also mend other parts of the existing fence.

On top of schoolwork and fence-mending, I’ve also been lucky enough to go on a few dates with my boyfriend. Having a big backyard means that we can stay six feet apart and also away from the house. I’ve been really lucky. We’ve been able to have a picnic, go on walks on the trails across the street and I’ve been spoiled with slushies, chocolate and late-night McDonald’s drop-offs when I’m doing school work. I know that dating shouldn’t be such a priority when the world appears to be going downhill because of COVID-19, but it’s also a great opportunity.

Because of the physical distancing rules in Canada, I can’t hug, kiss or hold hands with my boyfriend, but that’s okay. For a month and a half, I got to know the guy who is now my boyfriend through messaging him and using Snapchat. I loved being able to do that because it gave me the chance to get to know him without the pressure of anything else happening. When I finally did get to meet him in person, it was at my house and it was totally worth the wait. While it sucks that I’m not able to hug him or have any physical contact, I don’t mind taking things slow.

The other day, he came over and we put blankets under a tree and talked while I made some bracelets. When we got too bored with that, we went on a nice long walk. There are some great trails across the road with the space to remain six feet apart


Sure, there’s a struggle not to hug or kiss, but being able to spend time with him is good enough for now. On top of that, being on the phone with him is good too. At least I get to see him. I’m lucky that I get more than texts and phone calls. Because that’s all my mom gets. I understand what it’s like to miss my dad from the standpoint of being his daughter, but I’ll never know what my mom is going through. At least she has me and Megan.

Quarantine is affecting the whole world in so many different ways and this is just one of the minor ways. In the grand scheme of things, not being able to hug my boyfriend is small, even if I personally think it sucks. I guess all this waiting will make it worth it, in the long run, to keep everyone safe.

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