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Rory Gilmore: the fictional television character that inspires me to study

There are a lot of television series and movies that have a strong female character that is also incredibly intelligent. Hermione Granger from the Harry Potter books and movies as well as Spencer Hastings from Pretty Little Liars are names that come to mind. Despite the number of female characters that are both strong-minded and smart, no fictional character motivates me to do my schoolwork and attempt to pull my life together like Rory Gilmore from the Gilmore Girls.

I first discovered Gilmore Girls when I had just finished the tenth grade. I had just begun to really journal and make my notes as pretty as possible. A lot of my classmates had complimented me on the way I presented my history notes, but I wasn’t totally motivated to apply myself and study all the time the way Rory had. The first thing I noticed from the show was that it was making me want to try coffee again – I didn’t stick to it because caffeine makes me shake and made my handwriting messy – as well as admire the relationship between Rory and Lorelei Gilmore.

Their witty, fast-paced conversations drew me into the show and the Chilton uniform made me want to go to a private school and wear a kilt (spoiler: I spent my senior year wearing one), but most of all, Rory’s dedication to good grades and determination to get into Harvard was a huge inspiration for me. Like Rory, I wanted to peruse a career in journalism – which is what I’m currently doing – and the storyline of her studying, exploring various styles of literature and getting good grades was inspirational to me. Suddenly, I didn’t just want to have nice notes but also have good grades. I was ready for the eleventh grade to start and make it a year of good grades. Long story short, that plan wasn’t executed the way I had hoped due to moving countries mid-school year and dealing with the death of my grandma.

Rory Gilmore is not only a humorous character but a good role model for people who want to have good grades. She’s an academically smart student who works hard to achieve every goal she sets and isn’t afraid to speak her mind. In an episode where she misses a test due to circumstances out of her control, she freely voices her opinion of the rule where she can’t take the test and defends herself. The youngest member of the Gilmore family is also one who stays out of trouble and when she does get dragged into trouble by characters like Jesse or Francine, it’s usually against her will or completely an accident and she’s quick to prove her innocence.

As the show develops and Rory ages, her studious tendencies and good intentions remain even as she explores the world of being an adult. She’s entitled to make mistakes, which she’s done, but overall she’s an excellent role model for young girls and someone I would want my future children to look up to an want to be like (in terms of studying).

Either way, whenever I watch reruns of Gilmore Girls, I feel inspired to study and organize my life while eating totally unhealthy food.

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