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An Environmentally Friendly Way to do Christmas

While not all people celebrate Christmas, the holiday season is always a more difficult time to be eco-friendly. The amount of waste produced per household is increased by 25% throughout the holiday season through the process of gift-giving as well as holiday parties. Things like wrapping paper always end up in landfills, which is never good for the environment. Several different products that are used for gifts come in single-use plastic or other materials that can’t be recycled.

That being said, there are different ways to be environmentally conscious during the holiday season. Here are a few on the ones that I’ll be using this holiday season.

1. Bring your own bags

Shopping for gifts is always increased during the holiday season, meaning that more plastic bags are going out into the world. One way to reduce that is to bring your own bags. This, of course, extends past just the holiday season, it's always a good idea to bring reusable bags with you while your shopping.

2. Ditch the wrapping paper

Wrapping paper is one of the biggest sources of waste throughout the holiday season, so reducing the amount you use or eliminating it completely is a great way to be a little more way to be environmentally friendly.

One way to reduce wrapping paper is by using alternatives. Lush has done a great job of this by phasing out their wrapping program and introducing their knot wraps. The funky fabrics not only hide what you're giving, but it's also reusable. There are several different functions these fabric options can be used for after the gift has been opened. Personally, I use mine as a hair accessory, but Lush shows several different uses.

For me, there are some things that I can wrap, but I've followed The Sound Of Music's song "Favourite Things" by wrapping some gifts for my mom and sister in brown paper. Our house out in the country has a nice little fireplace and the paper is a great firestarter, so it can be repurposed rather than ending up in a landfill.

Gift bags are another great alternative. As long as the bag isn't wrecked in the unwrapping process, it can easily be repurposed in the future.

Should you get a gift that isn't in packaging, options festive tins or holiday boxes that can be reused holiday season after the holiday season are a perfect way to wrap them to place under the tree.

3. Buy your baking supplies in bulk

Take your clear containers and hit the bulk food store!

If you're baking cookies and other sweet holiday treats yourself, then you're going to need the supplies. Instead of buying the packaged version of the supplies, head to the bulk store. This eliminates the waste from this delicious holiday activity.

4. Look for gifts that come in Cardboard.

Gifts that come in cardboard packaging are easier to recycle than those that come in single-use plastic. So, if you must get a gift that comes in any sort of packaging, aim for cardboard.

Not only is cardboard and paper easier to recycle than plastic. Another perfect way to use them is to put them in your fire (if you have a fireplace).

5. Go to stores that offer package-free options

Save the planet by going to stores that offer products that aren't in packaging or have a decent recycling program. The first store that comes to my mind is Lush. Getting a nice bath bomb or something to pamper whoever you're giving the gift to with and being environmentally friendly is truly awesome.

Whichever option you choose, being environmentally friendly is a great way to give back to the earth.

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