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11 Stocking stuffers ideas for this unique Christmas

This holiday season is going to be unlike any other in my memory. With COVID pulling down the mood practically all year, the holidays will no doubt be different as well.

However, this year has brought new products to the forefront of shopping lists, so here are some stocking stuffer ideas for this unique Christmas. There are links included.

This unusual invention was made for things like pandemics. The item is small enough to fit on your keychain so you can take it with you wherever you go. It's designed to hook around the door handle so you don't have to touch it. It's perfect to have when you want to limit the contact you have with public doors.

2. Travel-sized hand sanitizer

To me, this seems like a no-brainer, but you could get creative with it. Bath & Body Works has a good selection of scents that you can get at the store, or online. In general, it's a good idea to have hand sanitizer anyways, but now you can make sure your loved ones have some too (or a backup of some).

3. Scrunchies

If you're anything like me (or at the very least, a girl), scrunchies are a great stocking-stuffer idea. From experience, I lose ponytails all the time, but a scrunchie can be used as an accessory as well. Now, you could go for any old scrunchie, but the ones I've linked from Amazon have a pocket to store stuff like change or chapstick. It's a convenient storage solution and practical as well. Plus if you have more than one woman to stuff a stocking for, this six-pack can be evenly divided.

I don't know about you, but when the cold weather hits, I find myself stuffing my pockets with chapstick to keep my lips from cracking and soft as well. There are a variety of different brands of chapstick, so go with the one you know the person will like, whether it be because of scent, taste or even how it feels to use.

5. Reusable Masks

In the spirit of being eco-friendly, think about getting a reusable mask to put in the stocking. Almost every store sells them and sometimes at a good price. Ardene's has a great sale of three for $10 on their masks, including the kid sizes. Amazon is also a good option if you don't want to venture outside the house. This is a good way to incorporate the person's favourite colour, movie, animal, or music group into their stocking.

6. Bath Products

Whether it be going to LUSH to get a fancy Christmas bath bomb or picking up a travel-sized bottle of body wash from the local drug store, body products are great to put into stockings. Choose something that is Christmassy or winter-scented so that they're can remain in the festive spirit for a little longer.

7. Toothbrush and toothpaste.

You can never go wrong with giving someone a toothbrush and toothpaste. For as long as I can remember, I've had a toothbrush put into my Christmas stocking. Sure, it's not the most thrilling item, but it takes one item off the grocery list for whoever's getting that stocking.

8. A fun game

With everyone being stuck at home for a little while longer, there's nothing like a fun game to keep people busy. Games like Cards Against Humanity and For the Girls have become increasingly popular recently. If they already have the game, consider getting them an expansion pack for more fun. Amazon has loads of options to choose from.

Image from Etsy

9. Hot chocolate bombs

To me, there's nothing quite like having a hot chocolate on Christmas morning, so why not treat the person you love to a unique way making the hot beverage. A hot chocolate bomb works similarly to a bath bomb, but in warm milk instead. They can be a bit pricey, but why not go the extra mile and get the multi-pack to treat yourself as well. Another way to do it is to make them yourself.

10. A Movie or Album

While DVDs are going out of style, there's nothing cuter than buying the person's favourite movie, TV show or CD and sticking it in the top of the stocking for an easy surprise and a way for the recipient to have that favourite movie, even after it leaves Netflix

11. A gift card

While it won't take up much room, a gift card is great for coffee-lovers or those who need to put some money away for gas. An Amazon, Starbucks, or gas gift card is a simple way to show a person you care.


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