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Being pissed at Coronavirus

When COVID-19 first appeared in the media, I was just starting a new semester at a new college. I was more focused on figuring out my schedule and remembering the names of everyone to really focus on its development. I'll be honest and say that I still don't know as much about the Coronavirus as I probably should with the fact that it's taking a toll on the entire world, but yesterday it pissed me off.

The virus itself is horrible and I don't want anyone to get it, but yesterday Gary Bettman, the commissioner of the National Hockey League announced that there would be no hockey because of COVID-19. The 2019-2020 season for many different sports leagues have been postponed and now I'm not really sure what to do with myself. It's

Here is Steve Dangle's take on the suspension of the all these leagues and a little more detail as to how the entire situation with sports leagues suspending their seasons came about. The video is over 20 minutes long, but it's an explanation coming from both a sports fan and a legitimate reporter. Steve Dangle is really good about making the content relatable and it's a video that helped me process and understands the situation a little more.

The suspension of the National Hockey League came just hours before yesterday's games were scheduled to be played. I still don't really have answers as to how the rest of the NHL season will play out, and what's to come with the Stanley Cup being awarded at the end of the season. If it was up to me, I'd cancel playoffs and give the cup to David Aryes, the Zamboni driver who stole the game for the Carolina Hurricanes. He alone deserves the Stanley Cup.

On top of the NHL being suspended, public schools in Ontario are extending their March break an extra two weeks, which I was super jealous about at first. It would mean my sister gets three weeks off school and I wouldn't, but now my college announced a couple of hours ago that classes are cancelled for a week while they meet to talk about alternative learning before they move to online classes until the end of the semester.

Colleges are shutting down all unnecessary services in the school, which I think could be good. People shouldn't be going out as much, but it'll be different for everyone. Limited social interaction isn't everyone's cup of tea.

Essentially, I don't have to leave the house for the next few weeks. The introvert in me is thrilled for this wonderful opportunity to stay in the same sweatpants and stained sweater for days on end without being judged. As someone who wants to get into the media industry, I know that not going into school when I have classes won't help me with my people skills.

So now I'll be studying in my room while there's no hockey to look forward to at the end of the night for the foreseeable future. There'll be no Hockey Night in Canada on Saturday nights and I still don't know what to do with myself.

CODVID-19 is resulting in a lot of strange changes and I'm still trying to adjust to what it's going to be like studying from home. More importantly, I'm still adjusting to the idea of what life will be like without hockey. Hockey is a major part of my life. I want to go into a career that involves writing about hockey, so it's going to be difficult. At the end of the day, I know that these choices to shut down everything is the right one and I hope that everyone is taking the right precautions to stay safe.

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