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Product Review: Lush's Aqua Marina, a Calming Calamine Wash for Your Body and Face

I'm a complete newbie when it comes to using Lush products, but I'm already obsessed. I’ve spent the past couple of weeks sampling different products to see what I like, what I love and what I will commit to buying. The main reason I went into Lush in the first place was to hunt down a face wash that was both cruelty-free and environmentally friendly.

Ideally, I would have picked a completely package-free product, but I know that Lush’s packaging is environmentally friendly and when you return five of their black pots, you get a free fresh face mask. I think this is a great incentive to return the packaging so that they can be reused.

Anyways, back to the product review.

The week before I took the dive to purchase my first Lush facial cleanser, I did test out a different one (Kalamazoo) and while I enjoyed the scent, it dried out my skin just a little too much for my liking. My skin is a combination type, so the product wasn’t the best fit for me, so I had to start the search again.

I went back into Lush, I talked to one of their employees and they recommended that I try either Herbalism or Aqua Marina. In the end, I was offered a sample of Aqua Marina, but I decided to just take the leap and buy the product. The 100-gram option retails at about $13 Canadian, which is slightly more expensive then what I usually pay for a face cleanser, but I was willing to take the leap for a more natural product. Thirteen dollars isn’t all that expensive, but I need my money to last for as long as possible.

My first thoughts of Aqua Marina, while I was still in, Lush was that it was visually appealing and it didn’t have too strong of an aroma and when I had a demo done, I was really happy with the way my skin felt after.

That was all I needed to convince me. I bought Aqua Marina in the afternoon and that evening I was excited to try it out.

As I said before when it comes to Lush, I’m a complete newbie, which is why I was glad that I had been given a demo on how to use Aqua Marina. If I hadn’t, I probably would’ve tried applying the product as is. I’ll say that outside of the glorious-smelling store that is Lush, the scent of Aqua Marina was different from what I thought it was. For some unknown reason, I’m reminded of sushi every time I smell it. Not in a bad way, I like it. I know that it’s the seaweed that’s giving it that distinct smell.

Once again, I was really happy with the way my skin felt after the first use. I felt cleansed without being too dried out. It was easy to apply and easy to wash off. Overall, I was really satisfied with the initial results of the cleanser.

Over the following week, my skin started breaking out as it got used to the product, but it’s since calmed down and now back to a fairly clean state. It didn’t take too long for my skin to adjust to Aqua Marina.

Overall, I’m a huge fan of Lush’s Aqua Marina cleanser. It leaves my skin feeling clean every time and I find myself looking forward to washing my face both in the morning and at night. Aqua Marina motivates me to build a full skincare routine for me. While the scent of the product is not my normal style, I’ll definitely be repurchasing Aqua Marina and will recommend it to both my friends and family.

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