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Product Review: Lush's Body Conditioner in Their Iconic Snow Fairy Scent

Thus far, I've been able to avoid the holiday collection at Lush's stores, but one particular product grabbed my attention and I couldn't help myself from grabbing a sample to try. My mom's been on my case about getting a Christmas wish list and Lush's Snow Fairy Body Conditioner has just rocketed to the very top of that list (Mom, if you're reading this, I want the biggest tub).

I had been curious about what exactly a body conditioner was and with all the hype that I had heard about the Snow Fairy scent, I thought that it was the one to try out.

As soon as asked a very helpful Lush employee about body conditioners, I instantly realized that this product was perfect for me. With the dry Canadian winter essentially upon us, my skin is going to need that extra little bit of moisturization.

Another huge perk about body conditioners is that you apply the product while still in the shower. This is a huge selling point for me. By the time I get out of the shower, I have a habit of completely forgetting to apply any sort of body lotion before getting dressed.

"Chock-full of luscious butters and oils, body conditioners will have you stepping out of the shower with gorgeous, hydrated skin." — Lush

I'm not kidding when I say that the first words out of my mouth when I smelled the Snow Fairy body conditioner was: "It smells like a god damn winter wonderland." and I still stand by that. I'm not always a fan of sweet-smelling body products, but this scent blew my mind. It's the type of smell that I want to smell like all year round, not just during the holiday season.

I was still in the store when I discovered the issue with this product though: it's only seasonal. While this isn't technically a problem, I was disappointed to learn that the Snow Fairy body conditioner and anything with the Snow Fairy scent was part of the Christmas collection.

Because I've asked for this product for Christmas, I chose to take a sample of the Snow Fairy body conditioner home to try. There's no point of buying it if I'm just going to get it for Christmas (hopefully). If I don't I may get a tad overdramatic to annoy my parents (sorry Mom).

Anywho, when I did use it for the first time, I didn't use it on my legs because I chose to wait until I decided to shave them ( don't ask, I'm lazy as all hell). Needless to say, I was thrilled to smell like a cotton candy fairy princess when I stepped out of the shower. My skin being nice and soft for the rest of the day was just an added bonus.

The Snow Fairy body conditioner definitely did what it said it would and when I finally got around to shaving my legs and used it, I was more obnoxious about having smooth legs. I'm sure that if it was warmer than this cold Canadian winter, I would be wearing shorts and get people I know to feel the softness. Then I would likely be put in a safe environment where I can't scare people.

Overall, I would definitely stock up on this product and it's a great gift idea for people who want soft skin without having to put on body lotion after getting out of the shower. It's even more perfect if they like sweet scents.

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