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Product Review: Rub Rub Rub, Lush's Beautiful Blue Shower Scrub

So I recently found out that I should be exfoliating my entire body and not just my face. I've been showering wrong my whole life. Either way, I've decided to add the extra step in the shower and add a shower scrub to try to make my skin even smoother. Cue another trip to Lush.

I know. My love for Lush is becoming a problem.

Anywho, I ended up back in the most beautiful-smelling store on the planet, looking at the various body products to figure out which body scrub would work best for me. I ended up spotting a really pretty blue body scrub called Rub Rub Rub.

Looking at the Rub Rub Rub and its vibrant blue colour, I thought it'd either smell like mint or a blue slushie. Boy was I wrong but happily surprised. It smells very citrusy and like a whole bunch of oranges. The colour of Rub Rub Rub just threw me off when it came to guessing the scent. When one of the employees did a demonstration on my hand, it left my skin feeling nicely exfoliated and really smooth. That was all it took to sell me on it.

While the Rub Rub Rub was on the more expensive side at $22.95 (Canadian) for 330 grams, I know that it'll last me a long time because it's not a product that I'll have to use every day. Personally, I use it every couple of days and every time before I shave my legs.

The first time I used it on my whole body, I was pleasantly surprised about how well that it lathered up. The sea salt in Rub Rub Rub that's used as the natural exfoliant wasn't too harsh on my somewhat sensitive skin, which was really nice.

Knowing that I had just scrubbed all the dead skin off my body gave me the feeling of being even more clean than normal, especially on my legs. The scent of Rub Rub Rub lingered on my skin, but wasn't too overpowering and combined nicely with my conditioner to make me smell like a beautiful fruit platter.

Over the following week, whenever I used Rub Rub Rub, my skin felt a heck of a lot more smooth than it normally would. I noticed that my legs didn't have nearly as many razor bumps as they normally did, which really made me happy. Again, I only used it every couple of day rather than every day, which is a schedule that works best for me.

Overall, I was super happy with the results of Rub Rub Rub. Despite the fact that it's a little pricey, I think it's more than worth the price for the product. It's definitely something I'll be buying again and something that I think could be a good gift idea for both men and women. Everyone could use an exfoliant. The smell is fantastic and makes my skin feel super smooth. Rub Rub Rub is something that I've made a permanent part of my shower routine and I will keep it there.

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