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Product Review: Outback Mate, Lush's Little Slice of the Ocean

My addiction to going to Lush has developed quite a lot in the past month and I’ve become really excited about trying out new products from them. Recently, there’s been a product that’s caught my eye every time I walk into the store, so I thought I’d get a sample and review it for you. The product is Lush’s Outback Mate bar soap.

Now, I’m going to be really honest: in the past, I’ve never really been one to gravitate towards bars of soap. I’ve grown up preferring liquid hand soap, but now with my choice to reduce the bath products that are in packaging, I thought I’d give Outback Mate a shot.

Because I’ve never been a bar soap person, I thought it’d be better to sample Outback Mate rather than committing to it with money. That being said, I think the soap is decently priced. It retails at $6.95 per 100 grams, which isn’t bad at all.

What really drew me to Outback Mate was the visual presentation. For those of you who have never seen it in-store, or at all, it looks like a block of the ocean. The shades of blue work really well together. I lived in Bermuda for about a year and a half, so from a visual aspect, Outback Mate reminds me of the gorgeous waters there.

Even in Lush, which is filled with lots of amazing smells that combine to make the store’s signature scent, Outback Mate’s scent was distinctive. For me, it’s the peppermint in the ingredients that stands out the most to me in the way of scent. I’m a huge fan of anything that smells minty.

So I brought the sample of Outback Mate back to my house. I had made a couple of other purchases, including a square tin from Lush and they came home with me as well.

Even a small sample-sized bar of Outback Mate produces such a strong smell in my bathroom. The bathroom instantly smelled cleaner and like a peppermint wonderland. I put it in the tin I had bought that day so it wouldn’t have to sit directly on the counter.

One of the things I do when I get home is immediately wash my hands. On top of being out in public, where germs are going to be, I take the subway to and from school.

I won’t even get started with how gross I think the subways in Toronto are, but I have hand sanitizer on me at all times for a reason. While the sanitizer is great for while I’m out, I feel the need to wash my hand immediately after I get home. I feel a lot cleaner when I get home.

The first time I used Outback Mate, I was amazed. It lathered up really nicely without creating too many bubbles. My hands felt clean and soft after I used it for the first time and while the bar of Outback Mate has a really strong smell, it was toned down when it comes to my skin. I was really surprised about how much I really enjoyed a bar of soap. This bar of soap particularly.

The week following, I religiously used Outback Mate as my main soap. In all honesty, I wish there was a perfume for it because I’d wear it all the time too. Every time I used it, I felt refreshed and super clean after.

I don’t want to give Outback Mate all the credit, but I feel like its scent really brought my mood up as well.

Overall, I absolutely love this product and I’ll definitely be buying the full product when I get the chance. It has a great scent that isn’t overly girly, which means it could be a great gift idea for anyone. The price is perfect and the scent is amazing.

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